Join a Club

A welcoming gym with state-of-the-art equipment, inclusive classes to keep you motivated and personal trainers to support you. Whatever your fitness needs, we've got something for you.


Take a dip in an indoor or outdoor pool, splash about with the little ones, swim some lengths before hitting the sauna, or get lessons for any age or experience level.

Spa and Wellbeing

For those times when you just need to relax and rejuvenate. Ease into the hydro pool, sauna or steam room, or spend the day in the Spa Retreat.


Quality time made easy. From our welcoming Clubrooms and family classes, to swimming pools and tennis courts - we've got something to keep everyone happy.


From pickleball to squash and of course, tennis, there's so much you can do with a racket at David Lloyd Clubs.

Eat and Drink

Delicious meals to suit the whole family - for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Enjoy a quiet coffee, or catch up with friends in our comfy Clubroom.

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  • Voucher may by used as full or part payment for most purchases in David Lloyd Leisure, certain 3rd party supplied products and services may not be purchased using these vouchers. Vouchers cannot be redeemed at franchise companies in any David Lloyd Leisure Club.
  • David Lloyd Gift Vouchers may be used as full or part payment at Amida Spa and David Lloyd Studio.
  • Vouchers purchased at David Lloyd Studio can only be redeemed at the Studio from which the purchase of vouchers was originally made.
  • Vouchers cannot be redeemed as full or part payment towards David Lloyd Leisure membership subscriptions paid via direct debit. Vouchers can be redeemed as full or part payment towards David Lloyd Leisure membership subscriptions paid annually.
  • Only members of David Lloyd Leisure clubs can redeem vouchers against David Lloyd Leisure products.
  • Vouchers cannot be redeemed against Tennis coaching.
  • Vouchers cannot be purchased or redeemed at David Lloyd Leisure Clubs in Europe.
  • Vouchers will not be accepted by telephone, fax, internet or other means where the voucher itself is not presented at the time of the transaction
  • Change will not be given where the total of the transaction is less than the value of the voucher.
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  • Vouchers are considered to be cash in terms of security. Vouchers cannot be replaced if lost, stolen or damaged.
  • David Lloyd Leisure reserves the right to change or amend these terms and conditions from time to time without notice.
  • David Lloyd leisure reserves the right to withdraw vouchers at any time for any reason. David Lloyd Leisure will then use reasonable effort to make arrangements for vouchers to continue to be accepted for a reasonable period of time after withdrawal.
  • Vouchers are issued by David Lloyd Leisure, Hatfield Business Park, Mosquito Way, Hatfield AL10 1EF
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David Lloyd Leisure Ltd. United Kingdom © Copyright 2024

VAT No. 740 5477 34. Registered Company No. 1516226 David Lloyd Leisure Ltd, The Hangar, Mosquito Way, Hatfield Business Park, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AX